Honolulu World Club Lounge

カテゴリー │overseas airport

Honolulu World Club Lounge

Honolulu Airport World Club lounge at the Hawaii of Oahu.
When you use a Northwest Airlines World Business Class of, it is possible to take advantage of the World Club lounge in front of the eyes immediately past the immigration.

Since the Honolulu airport is a long time, but he no lounge of storage of other airlines, it was compact and frugal enough surprising. I think Honolulu Airport itself is sometimes referred to old Airport, but's a World Club lounge, if you want to use the toilet there is no ... toilet, it is necessary to leave the lounge.

Honolulu World Club Lounge

Lounge is like this.

Honolulu World Club Lounge

Far (= entrance direction), drink bar and snacks are provided.

Honolulu World Club Lounge

The innermost, in order to utilize such ish business lounge personal computer, desk are provided.

Honolulu World Club Lounge

Net connection, wireless LAN is flying.
Has been placed on the business desk, anyone can use it when you enter the ID ・ PASS follow the instructions.

同じカテゴリー(overseas airport)の記事


Honolulu World Club Lounge